KHABRE TV - All India Shiksha Manch has strongly condemned the lathi charge and arrest of STET pass candidates who were peacefully protesting for meeting the Education Minister near Eco Park, Patna, calling the administration a cowardice.

KHABRE TV - 9334598481- All India Shiksha Manch has strongly condemned the lathi charge and arrest of STET pass candidates who were peacefully protesting for meeting the Education Minister near Eco Park, Patna, calling the administration a cowardice. Union President Alok Azad has demanded from the government to release the unemployed STET pass youths of Bihar without any conditions without delay. Alok Azad said that the beginning of this entire controversy is the continuous change in its stand by the Education Department. Which started with the advertisement of Director Secondary Education's letter number 9 and dated 28.08.2019. According to which the basis of appointment according to the total post, which is 25270 in secondary education and 12065 in higher secondary education, the total number of candidates equal to 37335 and subject wise and Category wise merit list will be prepared. In which it has been said to give preference to the older candidat...