KHABRE TV - All India Shiksha Manch has strongly condemned the lathi charge and arrest of STET pass candidates who were peacefully protesting for meeting the Education Minister near Eco Park, Patna, calling the administration a cowardice.

KHABRE TV - 9334598481- All India Shiksha Manch has strongly condemned the lathi charge and arrest of STET pass candidates who were peacefully protesting for meeting the Education Minister near Eco Park, Patna, calling the administration a cowardice.  Union President Alok Azad has demanded from the government to release the unemployed STET pass youths of Bihar without any conditions without delay.

 Alok Azad said that the beginning of this entire controversy is the continuous change in its stand by the Education Department.  Which started with the advertisement of Director Secondary Education's letter number 9 and dated 28.08.2019. According to which the basis of appointment according to the total post, which is 25270 in secondary education and 12065 in higher secondary education, the total number of candidates equal to 37335 and subject wise and  Category wise merit list will be prepared. In which it has been said to give preference to the older candidates having normal marks.

 Alok Azad said that after this a letter of Director Secondary Education came out on 30.08.2019, according to which it was asked to conduct eligibility test for one thousand vacancies in addition to the earlier vacancies in computer science subject for higher secondary schools.  It was also instructed that the candidates should be made equal to the vacancies provided for the Secondary Education Eligibility Test 2019. After this, in the meeting held under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary RK Mahajan on 10.07.2019, the subject-wise and vacancy-wise examination of the Secondary Eligibility Test was conducted.  It was agreed to declare the result.

 Alok Azad told that the education department told the court that STET 2019 is not a qualifying exam but a competitive nature exam, from which they have to select the best teacher. Despite this, the rules are constantly being changed. Due to which the dispute is increasing continuously.  is.

 Alok Azad said that according to the counter given by the Education Department to the court, at present 40133 posts are vacant in secondary schools and 40663 posts in higher secondary schools. The total number of which is 80796. Due to which studies in secondary and higher secondary schools are disrupted.  has been

 According to the announcement of the Chief Minister to give employment to the youth of Bihar in Bihar and the Education Minister's announcement of the restoration of all STET pass candidates, he decided to restore the education department by collecting all the vacancies in secondary and higher secondary schools till the year 2021 from the education department.  Centralizing has demanded to ensure the restoration of all the candidates on the lines of CTET examination.  Due to which the restoration of about one lakh teachers in secondary and higher secondary schools will be ensured.

 Alok Azad said that when there can be a change in the rules, why is the number of vacancies not being increased. If the number of vacancies is increased, then the teacher student ratio will also improve and the youth unemployed of Bihar will also get employment.



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