KHABRE TV : Bachpan Play School Bihar Sharif received the Best Play School Award for the third time...

Bachpan Play School Bihar Sharif received the Best Play School Award for the third time. Khabre TV : 9334598481 : Bureau Report : Bachpan Play School located at Nalanda Health Club, Itwari Bazar Road, Biharsharif city, Biharsharif Bachpan Play School has been awarded the Best Award for the third consecutive time in 5 years at national level among 1400 branches of childhood across the country. to be done. Bharat Kashyap, the director of the school, was honored at the national level by the corporate office in Delhi on 11th December and this honor is a matter of pride for the school, parents and teachers for the entire city. After receiving such a great honor, Bharat Kashyap, director of Bachpan Play School, said that this award has been given to our school Bachpan Play School, which is based on the criteria of progressive development of students in the field of quality education facilities, good structure, cleanliness competition. given. There is such ...