KHABRE TV : Qamar Rizvi, candidate for the post of mayor in Bihar Sharif, started public relations campaign....

 Qamar Rizvi, candidate for the post of mayor in Bihar Sharif, started public relations campaign, will come true on his development promises…

 Khabre TV: 9334598481: Bureau Report: The public relations campaign regarding the upcoming Bihar Sharif Municipal Corporation elections has intensified, the same mayoral candidate Qamar Rizvi visited several wards including Badi Dargah and did public relations.

 During this, he told the public that for the past several years he and his family have been serving as Deputy Mayor in the Municipal Corporation and this time he has come among the people as a candidate for Mayor.  That's why people should do the work of making a mayor for further development in their city this time also, so that there can be better development in the urban areas.

 In this public relations campaign, people have promised to strengthen their hands, during this Kamar Rizvi's brother Nadeem Zafar said that we have only one aim and that is development and we are contesting elections for development only.

 So that after getting the post, he can do development work in all the wards of the city.  During this, dozens of supporters stayed with him and wherever he was received grandly by the general public including the street, locality, shopkeepers.




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