Khabre TV - Dr. Manav, who reached the tremor, launched a "Wear Mask" awareness campaign towards Corona, near the Chowk-intersection not only to warn people without wearing masks but also appealed to be cautious while giving immediate masks.
Dr. Manav, who reached the tremor, launched a "Wear Mask" awareness campaign towards Corona, near the Chowk-intersection not only to warn
people without wearing masks but also appealed to be cautious while giving immediate masks.
(Khabre TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - In view of the rising outbreak of tremor (Nalanda), the campaign of philanthropist Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Manav is on hold to create awareness among the people across the district. Reaching the tremor on Saturday, he not only warned people wearing masks near the Chowk-intersection but also appealed to be cautious by giving immediate masks. Be aware that people belonging to various institutions in the district are distributing masks among the people by going to the square intersections, as well as the administration is constantly appealing to the public to be alert by miking somewhere. In this episode, social worker Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Manav has been continuously campaigning for the last several days, appealing to the people for caution.
In the tremor, he warned the passengers, youths carrying masks in their pockets, that they should not wear masks in their pockets. Just using masks for fear of penalty is tantamount to cheating yourself. This time Corona is quite frightening. In this era of Corona, the mask is the biggest weapon which everyone must use. Dr. Manav said that the risk of infection is reduced due to washing hands with soap from time to time. Physical distances are also very important. Those involved in the public awareness campaign have called upon Corona to fight and win the war.
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