Khabre TV - Rashtriya Janata Dal is being celebrated by distributing sweets on behalf of the Rashtriya Janata Darl family in the joy of getting bail from the President of Rashtriya Lalu Prasad, the Messiah of the underprivileged Dalits.
Rashtriya Janata Dal is being celebrated by distributing sweets on behalf of the Rashtriya Janata Darl family in the joy of getting bail from the President of Rashtriya Lalu Prasad, the Messiah of the underprivileged Dalits.
Khabre TV - 9334598481, 9523505786 - Chhath Vrat and Navratri, the festival of Sanatan Dharma, is also going on, as well as Ramadan, the month of the holy holy month, which is the month of Remembrance and Barkat, in such a holy time the security of the primate of the poor Meeting shows that the truth can be disturbed, not defeated,
the bail of the National President for the current political of the country is a new dawn for the interest of the country, which will determine the direction of the country's politics,
While stating the above things, RJD leader Anil Kumar Akela said that Mr. Banshee Wala Tiles expressed happiness by feeding each other gulal at the marble house by planting gulal right now.
The program was attended by Principal General Secretary Sunil Yadav, Metropolitan President Pramod Gupta, Advocate SAIL President Mahesh Yadav, RJD leader Ramjan Singh Yadav, Metropolitan Youth President Viru Chandravanshi, Rahui Block President Rajesh Chandravanshi, Nalanda District Business Cell Rashtriya Janata Dal President Shyam Kumar Gupta. , Spokesperson Satyendra Prasad etc. were the people.
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