#Khabre TV : Nalanda University organized classical flute recital of Pandit Rajendra Prasanna..
Nalanda University organized classical flute recital of Pandit Rajendra Prasanna..
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Khabre TV : 9334598481 : A mesmerizing classical flute recital by renowned musician and Grammy awardee Pt. Rajendra Prasanna was held at Nalanda University today. In this program organized in Sushma Swaraj Auditorium, Pandit Lalit Kumar accompanied on the tabla along with the rhythmic playing of Pt. Prasanna. Students from different countries studying in Nalanda participated in this program.
Speaking about this program organized by the Spic Meke Heritage Club of the University, Honorable Vice Chancellor (Interim) Professor Abhay Kumar Singh underlined the positive impact of classical music and said that Nalanda University is committed to encourage the cultural and artistic development of its students. is devoted. Such classical music programs inspire the creative nature of the students. He praised Spic Meke for promoting the rich heritage of India.
Founded in 1977 by Padmashree awardee Professor Kiran Seth at IIT Delhi, Spic Mackey has played an important role in spreading awareness about the country's cultural heritage and values among the youth. Such initiatives of Nalanda University expose the international students to the glorious cultural heritage of India and develop an inter-cultural spirit.
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