KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - Dr.Manav launched a mask distribution campaign, alerted about Corona ...

 Dr.Manav launched a mask distribution campaign, alerted about Corona ...

 Khabre Tv - 9334598481 - Abhishek Sharma's report - Hilsa (Nalanda) Due to negligence, the third wave of corona has come due to which the trouble has increased again.  If people take full precautions, then it is possible to defeat Corona.  These things were said by social worker Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Manav while running a Kovid awareness campaign near the local railway station on Sunday.  He also told the people prominently the measures to prevent coronavirus during the time of unlock.

 During this, social worker Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Manav, while making people aware, said that washing hands frequently with soap, staying away from crowded places, not spitting in public places is the only way to avoid corona.  He said that according to the tradition of your country, do Namaskar and do not shake hands.  Avoid traveling if not necessary.  And be sure to wear a mask.  The people were also made aware about this and while distributing free masks among many passengers, called upon to make the instructions given by the district administration successful.  He said that if not necessary, avoid traveling and wear a mask.  He insisted to the passengers that if you do not wear a mask at this time, then you will have to regret a lot later.  For this, people were appealed to cooperate among themselves.  And took a vow that together we will defeat carona.  

On the occasion, social worker Madhusudan Kumar, Raj Kishore Prasad said that the risk of corona increases greatly for a person who consumes tobacco during the corona transition period.  Tobacco use also increases the risk of cancer, heart disease and respiratory diseases.Tobacco use not only destroys the lining of your lungs, but also makes it more vulnerable to infection.  He told that tobacco which is used through gutkha, paan, khaini and other methods.  Due to excessive secretion of saliva while chewing in the mouth, there is frequent spitting.  Spitting in this way increases the risk of spreading the corona virus around.  That's why do not consume it.Dr. Ashutosh Kumar

 Manav said that if there is a complete lockdown again in the district and the state, then the terrible economy can be affected.  If all of you people will put on masks, keep enough distance between each other and follow all the precautions, then corona infection will not spread and lockdown will not have to be imposed in the district and state.  He stressed on more caution after unlock, apart from masks, adequate distance among themselves, etc.



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