Khabre TV - Nalanda MP Kaushalendra Kumar expressed his deep condolences to Nalanda MP Kaushalendra Kumar, after the unruly truck entered the hotel at Telhada Tanda in Ekangar Sarai block. The district administration and the Bihar government stand with the dead and injured families - MP Kaushalendra Kumar.
Nalanda MP Kaushalendra Kumar expressed his deep condolences to Nalanda MP Kaushalendra Kumar, after the unruly truck entered the hotel at Telhada Tanda in Ekangar Sarai block. The district administration and the Bihar government stand with the dead and injured families - MP Kaushalendra Kumar.
District administration and Bihar government stand with dead and injured families - MP Kaushalendra
(Khabre TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - 6 people died on the spot due to unrestrained truck entering the hotel at Telhada Tanda in Ekangar Sarai block of Nalanda district, and Nalanda MP Kaushalendra Kumar expressed deep condolences on the injuries. Revealed. He immediately approached the officials and asked them to control the situation. Post-mortem of fellow dead should be done in the presence of Mr. Kumar Sadar Hospital, Bihar Sharif. Praising the actions of the vigilant Chief Minister of Bihar, Shri Nitish Kumar, he said that he himself is very unhappy with this incident, there is a lot of sympathy for the deceased and injured families,
He immediately announced a grant of Rs. 4-4 lakh to the deceased families and Nalanda, the district officer, immediately gave ₹ 4-4 lakh to the dependents of the deceased family. Along with MP Kaushalendra Kumar, the deceased families, respectively, Late Pradyumna Kumar (Gram-Manohar Vigha, Thana-Telhada), Late Jitendra Kumar (Gram-Badki Akona, Thana-Ghosi), Late Ujjwal Kumar (Gram-Vishunpur, Thana-Hulasganj), respectively. Late Suryamani Jamdar (Village-Milkeeper, Thana-Ghosi), late Kaushal Kishore Prasad (Village-Kela Vigaha, Thana-Telhada), late Kailu Prasad (Village-Tadpar, Thana-Telhada) all visit the families of the deceased families and their dependents. Met with
And asked him to be patient in this difficult situation, he also prayed to God that God can give so much power to the victim family in this critical situation, MP Shri Kumar said that the district along with the dead and injured families The administration and the Bihar government stand strong.
Bihar Rural Development Minister Mr. Kumar has expressed condolences to the dead, saying that the state government is standing with him in the hour of crisis, along with MP Mr. Kaushalendra Kumar, JDU district president Shiasharan Thakur, JDU leader Ranjit Kumar, JDU leader Ashok Yadav was present.
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