KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - Nalanda University Distinguished Lecture Series - American Venture Capitalist tells management students 'Secrets of Start-up Success'.....
Nalanda University Distinguished Lecture Series - American Venture Capitalist tells management students 'Secrets of Start-up Success'.
Khabre Tv - 9334598481 - Report of Aditya - Shri Kamlesh Dwivedi, an eminent venture capitalist based in Denver, USA, delivered a lecture on the topic 'Secrets of Start-up Success' as part of the Special Lecture Series of Nalanda University. This lecture was organized on 14 December in the auditorium of the university.
Outstanding academicians and experts are invited to deliver lectures in this distinguished lecture series program of the University. Under this, the scholars and researchers of Nalanda University can get acquainted with the new perspective and research of these experts. Through these lectures, the students of Nalanda are exposed to the diverse fields of study and research taking place in various universities and other institutions in India and abroad. In the last few years, the whole world has faced the crisis of epidemic like Kovid, which has caused a huge decline in the global economy. New start-ups with innovative ideas can play an important role in bringing this economy back on track. To discuss more about the potential and associated risks of these start-ups, Mr. Dwivedi was invited by the School of Management Studies, Nalanda University to share his thoughts and experiences through lectures.
In his lecture, Shri Dwivedi elaborated on the precautions and risks that come with the new entrepreneurs. He emphasized that venture capital opportunities are always available if there is an innovative idea as per the need of the market. During his lecture he encouraged the young students of Nalanda to come up with new ideas for new start-ups. He concluded the session with his mantra "Giving is Living".
His lecture was followed by a Q&A session. The teachers and students of the university actively participated in the lecture session. The Dean of the School of Management Studies honored the invited speaker on behalf of the University with a memento and thanked the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Sunaina Singh for his continued support.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Under the visionary leadership of Sunaina Singh, many such programs and scholarly interaction sessions are regularly organized at Nalanda University. Its main objective is to have an overall appreciation and protection of the intangible and tangible heritage of India and the world. Nalanda University's School of Historical Studies, School of Buddhist Studies, School of Ecology and Environment Studies and School of Management Studies are actively involved in organizing such programs and lectures.
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