(Khabre TV - Constant review meetings are being held with banks underperforming in the annual credit plan set for Nalanda district, review meeting with SBI Bank on unsatisfactory performance of banks in annual credit plan achievement ..


Constant review meetings are being held with banks underperforming in the annual credit plan set for Nalanda district, review meeting with SBI Bank on unsatisfactory performance of banks in annual credit plan achievement ..


(Khabre TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - Despite being a financially prosperous district, the ranking of Nalanda district has always been lower in the annual credit plan achievement at the state level. In this context, as per the instructions of the Nalanda District Officer, continuous review meeting is being held with the banks underperforming in the annual credit plan prescribed for the Nalanda district. Under this, a review meeting was held today by the Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) Naveen Kumar Pandey with the branch managers of SBI.

In the first quarter of the current financial year, the achievement in SBI's Annual Credit Plan (ACP) was only 8.99% and in the second quarter is 15.99%. The District Coordinator of SBI has been instructed by the Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) to have a continuous meeting with all SBI Bank branches and ensure the achievement of the target in the remaining 2 months and make progress reports available to the District Banking Branch every week. It was also informed that under the Annual Credit Scheme, the performance of the high-target bank branches (Biharsharif, ADB Biharsharif, Biharsharif Bazaar, Rajgir and Hilsa) will be specially looked after and constantly reviewed.

Of the 50 applications of the Prime Minister Employment Generation Program (PMEGP) scheme forwarded to SBI, 49 applications are either pending or have been returned by the bank. Poor performance in PMEGP scheme indicates that the bank is not sensitive to employment generation / self-employment in Nalanda district. Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) said that the applications not approved under the scheme are being reviewed again as per the instructions of the District Officer and action will be taken accordingly.

The Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) instructed the banks to expedite the Kisan Credit Card applications forwarded by the District Fisheries Office, the District Gavya Development Office, the Milk Cooperative Society and the District Animal Husbandry Office and not to keep the applications pending for unnecessary reasons. He told that according to the instructions of the District Officer, a meeting has been held with the banks keeping more applications pending in this context and they have been instructed to expedite the progress. In this light, a tour and seminar was also organized in Mohanpur Matsya Hechri with bank representatives. It was assured by the present bank branch managers that the bank will take positive initiative in getting the Kisan Credit Card approved. The bank was asked to submit this reference progress report within a week.

The applications pending under PM SVANidhi were also directed to be executed at the earliest. Regarding complaints about return of vendors by the banks, the Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) said that the camp has been organized in the Municipal Corporation premises in consultation with the Lead Bank Manager. Through this, accounts of all the vendors are being opened in the respective bank. Under this, SBI and PNB Bank were invited to the camp yesterday. It was also directed that similar camps should be organized in the rest of the city councils and nagar panchayats.

More than 50% of the sapphires are related to SBI Bank. In this context, SBI was instructed to quickly reconcile registers IX and X, so that the latest status of the auction letter promises can be estimated and further action can be taken for issue of notice and notice accordingly. On the request of banks to increase the recovery in Sapphire letter promises, the Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) Co-District Sapphire Letter Officer said that ten new officials have been empowered to auction auction officials and fresh notices are being issued.

It was informed by the Senior Deputy Collector (Banking) that soon a review meeting will be held by the District Officer with all banks.



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