KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - The poor system of Madhubani district took the life of journalist Avinash Jha...after all...


 The poor system of Madhubani district took the life of journalist Avinash Jha...after all, why did the babus of the district's health sleep late...?

 Khabre Tv - 9334598481 - Rohit's report - You understand the big action or poor system of Madhubani District Health Department, brought color to the information sought by Avinash Jha on two nursing homes of Benipatti with a fine of 50 - 50 thousand rupees and closure of the nursing home  Issued instructions....

 Let us tell you about the incident that a social media journalist cum RTI worker, keeps on continuously bringing the news of the nursing home going on in the district illegally to the district administration, and the same to hide the ongoing disturbances in the health system.  The operators of private clinics took the life of Avinash Avinash Jha.  After the murder of RTI activist Avinash Jha, resident of Lohia Chowk in Benipatti police station area of ​​Madhubani district,

 Now the information sought has paid off, the ill health department has taken a big action, imposing a fine of 50 -50 thousand rupees on two nursing homes running illegally without license in the area, has demanded clarification from the nursing home operator and the nursing home  instructed to close.  Although this is the work of the district administration, wherever health services like new clinics, private clinics, nursing homes are opened, there should be a need to ask for all the criteria and go there.

 This instruction has been given through a letter issued by Madhubani Civil Surgeon Dr Sunil Kumar Jha, in which the closure of the illegally operated nursing home in violation of the Clinical Act and 50-50 on Ananya and Anurag Health Care located on Kataiyya Road of Benipatti and 50-50  While directing to register the amount of Rs 1000 fine in the government account, it has been directed to give an explanation within a week.

 After this instruction issued by Civil Surgeon Dr Sunil Kumar, there is a stir in all the illegal nursing homes and private clinic operators of the district including Benipatti.  After all, it is a matter to think about how the clinics were running so illegally under your nose, it is straight forward pointing to the corrupt district administration system, it should not be just a district to win, after all, wherever in Suave like this  The conditions are going on, they should be stopped by taking timely action, so that in the name of treatment of patients every day, the profession of commission-laundering should be stopped.



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