KHABRE TV NEWS - Innerwheel members have distributed 1000 masks so far, and this mask distribution program will continue unabated.

Innerwheel members have distributed 1000 masks so far, and this mask distribution program will continue unabated.


Ranjit Kumar, Khabre TV (Bihar Sharif) - Handmade masks and detol soap are being distributed daily to the needy in various areas of the city by members of the Innerwheel Club Biharsharif to protect against corona virus infection. Innerwheel members have distributed 1000 masks so far and the program of this mask distribution will continue even further, currently all Innerwheel members are distributing masks to the needy people around their place of residence. 

On this occasion, Chairman of Innerwheel Madhu Kanchan said that this is just a small effort of our club members which will contribute a lot in avoiding corona virus infection. Apart from this, many other works will be done by Innerwheel.



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