KHABRE TV - Mr. Akela has given Lalan Yadav a soft-spoken personality and strengthened the Rashtriya Janata Dal for life, RJD leader Anil Kumar Akela expressed condolences on the sudden death of former Rashtriya Janata Dal former Youth District President Lalan Yadav.
Mr. Akela has given Lalan Yadav a soft-spoken personality and strengthened the Rashtriya Janata Dal for life, RJD leader Anil Kumar Akela expressed condolences on the sudden death of former Rashtriya Janata Dal former Youth District President Lalan Yadav.
(Khabre TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - Bihar Sharif: - 27 August 2020, RJD leader Anil Kumar Akela has expressed condolences on the sudden death of former Rashtriya Janata Dal former Youth District President Lalan Yadav.
RJD leader Anil Kumar Akela has been strengthening Lalan Yadav a soft-spoken personality and the Rashtriya Janata Dal for a lifetime.
RJD leader Anil Kumar Akela said that he does not believe that he died. Add my hands to his death, the last is moisture and heartbreak.
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