KHABRE TV - On September 6, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will address the virtual conference, urging people to make the virtual conference a success, and Mrs. Munni Devi urged more and more people to join Facebook Live and listen to them.


On September 6, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will address the virtual conference, urging people to make the virtual conference a success, and Mrs. Munni Devi urged more and more people to join Facebook Live and listen to them.

Ranjit Kumar (KHABRE TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - Smt. Munni Devi State Council Member 173 Rajgir Assembly cum District President Women JDU Nalanda in Majidpur village of Sarabhadi Panchayat under Biharsharif Block of Rajgir Legislative Assembly;

Popular Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar will address virtual conference on 6th of September, Honorable Chief Minister urges people to make virtual conference successful and more and more people join Facebook Live and listen to their talk Ki and Mrs. Munni Devi District President should also tell the villagers that our leader, Honorable Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has taken many measures to protect the tax.

Smt. Munni Devi will also be happy to participate in the polling process by avoiding the karona somewhere and in the assembly elections to be held, besides informing people about the various development works by Honorable Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar. Such as agriculture, education, health, 7 determinations, sc-st extremely backward, Chief Minister Entrepreneur Scheme, Women Empowerment, Old Age Pension Scheme, Technical Education, 50% reservation in Panchayati State, 35% reservation for women in government jobs, livelihood group Worked to elaborate on all the points like empowerment of women etc.



KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - The claims of the government and the education department, which have taken more time than this, have proved to be hollow.......

KHABRE TV - बिहार शरीफ स्थित सोगरा कॉलेज में जल जीवन हरियाली पर एक सेमिनार का आयोजन किया गया, जल-जीवन-हरियाली सेमिनार की अध्यक्षता सोगरा कॉलेज के प्राचार्य डॉ मो० सगीरउज्जमा ने किया

KHABRE TV - Nalanda and Muzaffarpur districts have been selected as Demonstration Districts to strengthen health services by the Central and State Government.

KHABRE TV - Captain Naveen Krishna Chandra took over as the Principal of Sainik School Nalanda.....

KHABRE TV - आजकल सोशल मीडिया पर एक शादी समारोह में डांसर महिला का वायरल वीडियो चर्चा में है जिसमे एक नर्तकी के हाथ में पिस्टल लेकर डांस करना और ..........

KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - Meritorious students were honored in Hilsa, the talent of children shines through the competition: Dr. Manav...

KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - Cadets of Sainik School Nalanda arrived in Ota Gaya, became the witness of the passing out parade...

KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - The slogan of de-addiction resonated in the streets of Hilsa of Nalanda district, children took out a rally....

KHABRE TV - 9334598481 - The second branch of The Lord International School was inaugurated today by

KHABRE TV NEWS - Do not frighten the striking teachers by showing fear of service breakdown, the problem of the government is not the solution, but be quick to solve their problems.