KHABRE TV NEWS - In refusing to take the Aari of the field, Himana Yadav and his family were attacked, several others were injured in a violent clash between the two sides over the ground dispute in Goddhob village.


In refusing to take the Aari of the field, Himana Yadav and his family were attacked, several others were injured in a violent clash between the two sides over the ground dispute in Goddhob village.


Ranjit Kumar (KHABRE TV-9334598481, 9523505786) Several people are reported to have been injured in a violent clash between the two sides over the ground dispute in Godhob village of Deepnagar police station area, That on 17th August, the ground dispute between Manoj Yadav and Himana Yadav was heard, after which Himana Yadav and his family carried out a deadly attack on Manoj Yadav's family, which injured several people from both sides in the assault on both sides, which was reported to the Deepnagar police station, as soon as the information was received, the Deepnagar police station rushed to the spot and calmed down the two sides and started investigating the case by registering a case on both sides. , Manoj Yadav said that our ancestors had been divided into their names in about 50 years ago, and now our land has gone to the Forecen and the district administration of that land has also paid the money, 

And some of the money is yet to be filed by those people, we have all the papers, even though the aari of our farm were cut off today, in refusing to be attacked by Himana Yadav and his family, which has caused serious injury to our family people, which is undergoing treatment, now whatever the case, it is a matter of investigation.



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