KHABRE TV - Tomorrow, on August 18, 2020, the Vice President of Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee, the venerable Praveen Singh Kushwaha ji is going to arrive, whoever wants to try his luck in this election will meet Praveen Kushwaha ji separately.
Tomorrow, on August 18, 2020, the Vice President of Bihar Pradesh Congress Committee, the venerable Praveen Singh Kushwaha ji is going to arrive, whoever wants to try his luck in this election will meet Praveen Kushwaha ji separately.
(KHABRE TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) -District President Dilip Kumar told that all the officers of the District Congress Committee, the divisional president of the seven assemblies falling under Nalanda district, all the officers of the District Congress Committee, the president of all the Frontal Organizations, former MP, former MLA, former candidate, as well as those who have their luck in this election They want to try it, Praveen Kushwaha ji will meet them separately and listen to them, after listening to everyone's talk, after reviewing how many seats the Congress Party will fight on behalf of the Grand Alliance in Nalanda, this will make the matter firmly reach the high command. Dilip Kumar has urged all the Congress people of the district to attend the District Congress Committee office Rajendra Ashram at 12:00 am tomorrow and put their points before their in-charge.
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