KHABRE TV NEWS - Organizing an online webinar on the topic 'Rights and entitlements for PwDs during the Kovid-19 pandemic', the pandemic destroyed the political, social, economic and financial structures of human civilization.
Organizing an online webinar on the topic 'Rights and entitlements for PwDs during the Kovid-19 pandemic', the pandemic destroyed the political, social, economic and financial structures of human civilization.
(KHABRE TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - Online webinar on 'Rights and entitlements for PwDs during Kovid-19 epidemic' Patna 08 August 2020 (Saturday). Organized a Google Meet online webinar on 'The Rights and Eligibility for PwDs during the Kovid-19 Pandemic' from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm today, August 8, 2020, under the joint auspices of Jivika, SitesAware, Sakksham Gone.
Dr. Shivaji Kumar (State Commissioner for Disability, Government of Bihar), the chief guest and chief speaker of today's program, was present online. Shri Sudipta Mohanty (Regional Director, SitesAwards India), Shri Shahnawaz Ahmed (Executive CEO, Saksham, Bihar), Shri Sushil Kumar (SPM Able), Shri Neeraj Kumar Singh as Distinguished Guests and Speakers (Program Manager, Jivika), Mr. Ketan Kothari (National Adhobakeshi Officer, SitesAwards) was present online. In this online program, hundreds of PwDs, social workers, PwDs, professionals, DPG, DPO Etc. were present. State Commissioner for Disability Dr. Shivaji Kumar said that the outbreak of Kovid 19 epidemic has given rise to many unprecedented challenges in the lives of PwDs and other communities. This epidemic has destroyed the political, social, economic and financial structures of human civilization, In particular, people with disabilities and weaker sections of society have been affected. The government and public institutions of our country have been very active in understanding and responding to the needs of persons with disabilities and have to some extent mitigated the impact of the epidemic on the lives of persons with disabilities.
In Bihar too, various institutions of the government have made provisions and measures to reduce hardship in the lives of persons with disabilities during epidemics. Even today, many disabled persons are not aware of the schemes run by the government and are deprived of taking benefits. He said that to make the people with disabilities aware, the Bihar Association of Person with Disability and Bihar Civil Society Forum has more than 6 lakh DPGs at the village level, more than eight thousand at the panchayat level, more than five hundred at the block level , DPG at 38 district and 9 civil division level She is working by making The work he is doing is greatly appreciated. He has given 21 types of PwDs to RPW. D. The Act detailed the rights granted in 2016. At the end, no divisions of Bihar are hungry in the outbreak of this epidemic and flood and they are not deprived of the schemes offered by the government. Mr. Sudipta Mohanty welcomed everyone and gave detailed information on the importance of today's Wibnar and explained the schemes being run by the government. Shri Neeraj Kumar said that the work is being done to make all the persons with disabilities by making them self dependent.
By the year 2030, the target of monthly income from 15 thousand to 20 thousand has been set for all PwDs. Shahbaz Ahmad and Mr. Sushil Kumar informed that the competent and all the foundation centers identify the persons with disabilities with disability certificate and UDID. Cards are being added on production. Even today, there are many people with disabilities who do not have a disability certificate and are deprived of benefits. All the schemes are being told by the foundation center and competent to all the PwDs and efforts are being made to provide benefits to them. Shri Ketan Kothari said that in Kovid 19 pandemic, women with disabilities have been greatly affected. It is very important to make women with disabilities aware in the society. Today's online webinar was conducted by Soma Haldar and thank you memorandum Surbhi Suman.
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