KHABRE TV NEWS - On the occasion of Earth Day, in the Parwalpur Block Complex, the plantation pledge as well as the pledge to save trees, on this occasion, the Senior Deputy Collector discussed about the need for water and greenery for life on earth ..
On the occasion of Earth Day, in the Parwalpur Block Complex, the plantation pledge as well as the pledge to save trees, on this occasion, the Senior Deputy Collector discussed about the need for water and greenery for life on earth ..
Golden Kumar, Parwalpur (KHABRE TV - 9334598481, 9523505786) - On the occasion of Bihar Earth Day, Mr. Anil Kumar, Senior Deputy Collector cum BDO, Parwalpur and Mr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Circle Officer did plantation at Block Complex, Parwalpur, along with Deputy Chief Shri Akshay Kumar, Retirement BDO Shri Vijay Kumar Singh, Chausanda Chief Raja Babu and other public representatives attended.
On this occasion, the Senior Deputy Collector discussed the need for water and greenery for life on earth. It is the cornerstone of sustainable development. Which takes care of our present needs as well as the future. It is akin to our own existence.
Water life greenery, an ambitious initiative of the Bihar government, has been adopted as model development by the whole of India.
On this occasion, the Zonal Officer, retired BDO, Deputy Chief also threw light on the importance of greenery and said that today the target of planting a total of 2.51 crore trees in the whole of Bihar has been met simultaneously.
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