KHABRE TV – The world's most expensive mobile, Russia's company Cavier (Caviar) has re-designed iPhone 11 Pro, will be blown away by hearing the price

Khabre TV - The world's most expensive mobile, Russia's company Cavier (Caviar) has re-designed iPhone 11 Pro, will be blown away by hearing the price 

This world's most expensive mobile, Russia's company Cavier (Caviar) has re-designed iPhone 11 Pro, will be blown away by hearing the price

Everyone wants to have an iPhone. What to say if someone gets a redesigned iPhone. The world's most expensive iPhone has been entered in the market.

Russia's company Caviar has redesigned the iPhone 11 Pro, which is said to be inspired by the Tesla company's redesigned Cyber ​​Truck (Cybertruck) last year. It is being told that the price of this re-designed iPhone 11 Pro can be more than Rs 93 lakh.

Made just for the rich, this special 99 phone 
cavity company is known for redesigning people's favorite gadgets through Diamond and Gold, this company also redesigns gadgets for those who They are also ready to spend millions to fulfill their hobbies, keeping in mind these people, the company has redesigned the iPhone 11 Pro.

Titanium body installed in iPhone
This phone has a titanium body, Titanium is considered to be the strongest metal. The entire phone is covered with a metal frame, which makes this phone very strong. This phone can also be folded. It also does not cause any trouble in calling.

The price may be around 1 crore,
only 99 iPhone 11 Pro has been redesigned by the company, although no information has been revealed about its price yet, its real price will be revealed to its original buyers. Experts say that this company has already redesigned many more models of iPhone, in such a situation, it may cost £ 1 lakh (more than about 93,50,000). Some people believe that this phone can go up to one crore rupees.



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