khabre tv news - The people of Islampur block are seen flouting the rules being taken by the Government of India and the State Government to beat the corona virus spreading in the world.

The people of Islampur block are seen flouting the rules being taken by the Government of India and the State Government to beat the corona virus spreading in the world.

Murlidhar Prasad Keshari, Islampur (Nalanda) - The people of Islampur block are seen flaunting the rules being taken by the Government of India and the State Government to defeat the corona virus spreading in the world. Despite repeated denials by the administration, local police and social workers, five per cent of the population is seen coming down the road and flaunting the rules of the government, although some of the grocery, vegetable, medical, milk and newspaper announcements announced by the government Despite the sale of electricity, people have come out on the streets without a word and are teasing the orders of the government.

Although they all know that the government has taken such a step to protect all of us, still people are deliberately bent on sacrificing their lives which is never in the interest of mankind. People are not understanding even after repeated persuasion by the police. I request you all to go ahead with the government by making your thinking positive and cooperate with the government in defeating the dangerous viruses like Corona.



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