KHABRE TV NEWS - Artists and arts of the district get appropriate honors and opportunities - District Officer

Artists and arts of the district get appropriate honors and opportunities - District Officer

Jyoti Verma, wife of Manoj Kumar Verma, a resident of Hajipur Mohalla of Bihar Sharif, presented a Madhubani painting made by herself to the District Officer today. 
On this occasion, District Officer Yogendra Singh said that there is no shortage of talent in the district. Artists who created Madhubani paintings were not seen in this district. Saw Jyoti's skill for the first time. Makes quite a good painting. The district administration will link them with livelihood to connect them with self-employment. So that the painting made by them can attract people from outside. And the value and respect of their work can be met.
He said that the art of artisans of Napura and Basavan Bigha in the district is also of high standard. Unmatched quality fabrics are also manufactured by them. Initiatives are also being taken to get proper recognition, respect and remuneration.



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